
Parent and Child Image
Parent Information

Informed, engaged parents are vital in ensuring the academic success of our students. CCS strives to provide parents with the information needed to support their student.

Preschool Kids
Voluntary Pre-K Program

Clinton City Schools Voluntary Preschool Program provides four-year-old children an opportunity to develop school readiness skills.   Priority is given to "at-risk" children.

Blaze Logo
Blaze Activities

In 2018, Clinton City began a comprehensive well-rounded activities program called the Blaze. The name Blaze was adopted because we “build the fire for the Clinton Dragons.

Camera Picture
ORNL FCU Media Center

We are proud to have a professional media production center housed at South Clinton Elementary. This center was made possible through a generous donation from ORNL FCU.

City of Clinton Logo

Clinton is a thriving town with a population of approximately 10,000 citizens. Clinton is a great place to live or visit.  Hope to see you soon!